Scottish Heritage Social Media Group

Peer-to-peer support for social media contributors within the Scottish history, heritage, archaeology and museum sectors

The SHSMG encourages social media learning, knowledge exchange and cross-promotion within Scotland’s cultural heritage sectors. Our network of communications and marketing professionals work and volunteer in a wide range of organisations which promote Scottish history, heritage, archaeology, museums and archives.

We share the latest social media trends, helpful tips, job ads and training opportunities on our Twitter account, coordinate free events, and summarise the key points from each one on our blog.

In addition to hearing from a Scotland-based speaker, these informal events allow anyone who uses (or wants to use) social media in the cultural heritage sectors to chat to their peers, pick up and share tips, bounce ideas around, solve stubborn problems, learn about upcoming projects and training events, and identify partnership opportunities.

If you’d like to receive a notification when we announce the next event, click here to sign up to our mailing list.

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